DivMemo No.346 s.2023 Prohibition Against Advance Payment of All School Contract
DivMemo No.344 s.2023 Pre-National Qualifying Meet Post-Evaluatio and Strategic Planning
DivMemo No.344 s.2023 Pre-National Qualifying Meet Post-Evaluation and Strategic Planning
DivMemo No.342 s.2023 Technical Working Group (TWG) for the ADministration of the National Achievement Test for Grade 10 for SY 2022-2023
DivMemo No.342 s.2023 Technical Working Group (TWG) for the Administration of the National Achievement Test for Grade 10 for SY 2022-2023
DivMemo No.341 s.2023 Prohibition of District Level Trainings in the Division
DivMemo No.341 s.2023 Prohibition of District Level Trainings in the Division
DivMemo No.339 s.2023 Conduct of Visit to the School Child Protection Committees’ Functionality Assessment of all Public-Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
DivMemo No.339 s.2023 Conduct of Visit to the School Child Protection Committees’ Functionality Assessment of all Public-Private Elementary and Secondary Schools
DivMemo No.338 s.2023 Child Protection Committee Orientation and Capacity Building for School Heads-Child Protection Committee Chairperson in 1st Congressional District
DivMemo No.338 s.2023 Child Protection Committee Orientation and Capacity Building for School Heads-Child Protection Committee Chairperson in 1st Congressional District
DivMemo No.337 s.2023 Monitoring on the Administration of NAT Grade 10, SY 2022-2023
DivMemo No.337 s.2023 Monitoring on the Administration of NAT Grade 10 SY 2022-2023
DivMemo No.336 s.2023 Virtual Orientation on the Administration of National Achievement Test for GRADE 10 SY 2022-2023
DivMemo No.336 s.2023 Virtual Orientation on the Administration of National Achievement Test for GRADE 10 SY 2022-2023
DivMemo No.335 s.2023 Capability Building for Administrators on Establishment and Separation of Annex and Extension Schools
DivMemo No.335 s.2023 Capability Building for Administrators on Establishment and Separation of Annex and Extension Schools
DivMemo No.334 s.2023 Release of Duly Attested Appointment
DivMemo No.334 s.2023 Release of Duly Attested Appointment
DivMemo No.333 s.2023 Virtual Orientation in Preparation for the Conduct of the English, Science and Mathematics Assessment for the National Learning Camp Assessment
DivMemo No.333 s.2023 Virtual Orientation in Preparation for the Conduct of the English, Science and Mathematics Assessment for the National Learning Camp Assessment
DivMemo No.331 s.2023 Municipal Brigada Eskwela Coordinators Municipal Partnership Focal Persons Consultative Meeting
DivMemo No.331 s.2023 Municipal Brigada Eskwela Coordinators Municipal Partnership Focal Persons Consultative Meeting
DivMemo No.330 s.2023 Refund for GSIS Loan Overpayment for the month of May 2023
DivMemo No.330 s.2023 Refund for GSIS Loan Overpayment for the month of May 2023
DivMemo No.329 s.2023 Conduct of the 2023 Kalivungan Drum & Lyre Corps and Street Dancing Competitions
DivMemo No.329 s.2023 Conduct of the 2023 Kalivungan Drum & Lyre Corps and Street Dancing Competitions
DivMemo No.328 s.2023 Notice of Vacancies for Teacher I
DivMemo No.328 s.2023 Notice of Vacancies for Teacher I
DivMemo No.327 s.2023 Notice of Vacancies for Teaching Positions
DivMemo No.327 s.2023 Notice of Vacancies for Teaching Positions
DivMemo No.326 s.2023 Conduct of Interview of Applicants by the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB)
DivMemo No.326 s.2023 Conduct of Interview of Applicants by the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB)
DivMemo No.324 s.2023 Reiteration of the Policy on Government Office Hours
DivMemo No.324 s.2023 Reiteration of the Policy on Government Office Hours
DivMemo No.323 s.2023 Reiterating the Prohibition on Sharing of DepEd Email and Password
DivMemo No.323 s.2023 Reiterating the Prohibition on Sharing of DepEd Email and Password
DivMemo No.322 s.2023 KOBO Collect: Mobile Application for Digital Reporting Submission, and Evaluation in Youth Formation Division (YFD) Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs)
DivMemo No.322 s.2023 KOBO Collect: Mobile Application for Digital Reporting Submission, and Evaluation in Youth Formation Division (YFD) Programs, Projects, and Activities (PPAs)
DivMemo No.321 s.2023 Conduct of District Kumustahan on School Governance Council (SGC)
DivMemo No.321 s.2023 Conduct of District Kumustahan on School Governance Council (SGC)
DivMemo No.320 s.2023 Official Results of the 2023 Division English Festival
DivMemo No.320 s.2023 Official Results of the 2023 Division English Festival
DivMemo No.319 s.2023 Administration of Post-Test Using Philippine Informal Reading Inventory for SY 2022-2023
DivMemo No.319 s.2023 Administration of Post-Test Using Philippine Informal Reading Inventory for SY 2022-2023
DivMemo No.318 s.2023 Provision of Financial Support to ALIVE Implementing Schools to Improve Learning
DivMemo No.318 s.2023 Provision of Financial Support to ALIVE Implementing Schools to Improve Learning
DivMemo No.317 s.2023 Administration of the Fourth Quarter Division-LED Assessment for Grades 3, 6, 10, and 12 for the School Year 2022-2023
DivMemo No.317 s.2023 Administration of the Fourth Quarter Division-LED Assessment for Grades 3, 6, 10, and 12 for the School Year 2022-2023
DivMemo No.316 s.2023 Composition of the Division Human Resource Development Committee (HRDC) for CY 2023
DivMemo No.316 s.2023 Composition of the Division Human Resource Development Committee (HRDC) for CY 2023
DivMemo No.315 s.2023 Submission of Letter of Intent for All School Subscribing to the Integrated School Data Management System
DivMemo No.315 s.2023 Submission of Letter of Intent for All School Subscribing to the Integrated School Data Management System
DivMemo No.313 s.2023 List of School with Child Protection Committee
DivMemo No.313 s.2023 List of School with Child Protection Committee
DivMemo No.312 s.2023 Recognition of Outgoing Officers of the Cotabato Public Schools Secondary and Elementary English Teachers Associations
DivMemo No.312 s.2023 Recognition of Outgoing Officers of the Cotabato Public Schools Secondary and Elementary English Teachers Associations
DivMemo No.311 s.2023 Intensifying Dengue Advocacy and Prevention Activities in Schools
DivMemo No.311 s.2023 Intensifying Dengue Advocacy and Prevention Activities in Schools
DivMemo No.310 s.2023 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No.294, s.2023 ‘Brainstorming Session in Preparation for the School Leaders’s Training Academy’
DivMemo No.310 s.2023 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No.294, s.2023 ‘Brainstorming Session in Preparation for the School Leaders’s Training Academy’
DivMemo No.309 s.2023 Addendum to Division Memorandum No.220, s.2023 Titled Student Leaders’ Development Program (SLDP) 2023
DivMemo No.309 s.2023 Addendum to Division Memorandum No.220, s.2023 Titled Student Leaders’ Development Program (SLDP) 2023
DivMemo No.308 s.2023 Submission of Consolidated Reports on School Building Not Yet Complemented, Existing Income Generating Projects, Status of School Canteen and List of BIDS and Awards Committee
DivMemo No.308 s.2023 Submission of Consolidated Reports on School Building Not Yet Complemented, Existing Income Generating Projects, Status of School Canteen and List of BIDS and Awards Committee
DivMemo No.307 s.2023 Addendum to Division Memorandum No.220, s.2023 Titled Student Leaders’ Development Program (SLDP) 2023
DivMemo No.307 s.2023 Addendum to Division Memorandum No.220, s.2023 Titled Student Leaders’ Development Program (SLDP) 2023
DivMemo No.306 s.2023 School-Based Administrative Personnel Consultative Meeting
DivMemo No.306 s.2023 School-Based Administrative Personnel Consultative Meeting
DivMemo No.303 s.2023 Releasing of GSIS Landbank ATM Cards
DivMemo No.303 s.2023 Releasing of GSIS Landbank ATM Cards
DivMemo No.301 s.2023 Orientation of the DIvision Internal Quality Audit Team (IQAT)
DivMemo No.301 s.2023 Orientation of the Division Internal Quality Audit Team (IQAT)
DivMemo No.300 s.2023 Monitoring on the Release of One-Time Rice Assistance FY 2022
DivMemo No.300 s.2023 Monitoring on the Release of One-Time Rice Assistance FY 2022
DivMemo No.299 s.2023 Notice of Vacancies for Teaching Positions
DivMemo No.299 s.2023 Notice of Vacancies for Teaching Positions
DivMemo No.298 s.2023 Notice of Vacancies for Teacher I
DivMemo No.298 s.2023 Notice of Vacancies for Teacher I
DivMemo No.294 s.2023 Brainstorming Session in Preparation for the School Leaders’ Learning Academy
DivMemo No.294 s.2023 Brainstorming Session in Preparation for the School Leaders’ Learning Academy
DivMemo No.293 s.2023 Schedule of Open Ranking for the Teacher I Applicants for the School Year 2023-2024
DivMemo No.293 s.2023 Schedule of Open Ranking for the Teacher I Applicants for the School Year 2023-2024
DivMemo No.292 s.2023 SDO Cotabato Delegation Officials to Pre-National Qualifying Meet for Team Sports (Cluster 4)
DivMemo No.292 s.2023 SDO Cotabato Delegation Officials to Pre-National Qualifying Meet for Team Sports (Cluster 4)
DivMemo No.291 s.2023 Election of School, District, Municipal and Division Learner Government Officers for the School Year 2023-2024
DivMemo No.291 s.2023 Election of School, District, Municipal and Division Learner Government Officers for the School Year 2023-2024
DivMemo No.290 s.2023 Provincial Parent-Teacher Association Federation (PPTAF) Finalization of Constitution and By-Laws cum Gender and Development Parenting Seminar
DivMemo No.290 s.2023 Provincial Parent-Teacher Association Federation (PPTAF) Finalization of Constitution and By-Laws cum Gender and Development Parenting Seminar
DivMemo No.287 s.2023 Kinalabasan ng Pansangay na Paligsahan sa Filipino
DivMemo No.287 s.2023 Kinalabasan ng Pansangay na Paligsahan sa Filipino
DivMemo No.285 s.2023 Refund for GSIS Loan Overpayment for the Month of April 2023
DivMemo No.285 s.2023 Refund for GSIS Loan Overpayment for the Month of April 2023
DivMemo No.284 s.2023 Release of 2022 Special Hardship Allowance (SHA)
DivMemo No.284 s.2023 Release of 2022 Special Hardship Allowance (SHA)
DivMemo No.283 s.2023 Addendum to Division Memorandum OCID No.234 s.2023 Re: 2023 Division English Festival
DivMemo No.283 s.2023 Addendum to Division Memorandum OCID No.234 s.2023 Re: 2023 Division English Festival
DivMemo No.282 s.2023 Coordination Meeting for 2023 Division English Festival
DivMemo No.282 s.2023 Coordination Meeting for 2023 Division English Festival