DivMemo No.379 s.2022 Composition of Division Education Development Plan (DEDP) 2023-2028 Technical Working Group
DivMemo No.378 s.2022 Virtual Orientation for the Guidelines on the Utilization of FY 2022 Special Education (SPED) Program Support Fund
DivMemo No.378 s.2022 Virtual Orientation for the Guidelines on the Utilization of FY 2022 Special Education (SPED) Program Support Fund
DivMemo No.377 s.2022 Series of Planning Conferences of the Technical Working Group for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in School (WINS) Program
DivMemo No.377 s.2022 Series of Planning Conferences of the Technical Working Group for Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in School (WINS) Program
DivMemo No.376 s.2022 Second Quarter Updating of Filipino Curriculum Implementation
DivMemo No.376 s.2022 Second Quarter Updating of Filipino Curriculum Implementation
DivMemo No.375 s.2022 Conduct of Orientation on DEPED Quality Management System (QMS) Manual and Procedures as Well as Work Instructions Manual (PAWIM)
DivMemo No.375 s.2022 Conduct of Orientation on DEPED Quality Management System (QMS) Manual and Procedures as Well as Work Instructions Manual (PAWIM)
DivMemo No.374 s.2022 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.374 s.2022 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.372 s.2022 2022 National Disaster Resilience Month (NDRM) Celebration
DivMemo No.372 s.2022 2022 National Disaster Resilience Month (NDRM) Celebration
DivMemo No.371 s.2022 Retrieval of Tablets and Submission of Tablet Utilization Report
DivMemo No.371 s.2022 Retrieval of Tablets and Submission of Tablet Utilization Report
DivMemo No.370 s.2022 Real Property Tax Awareness Symposium for Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Officials
DivMemo No.370 s.2022 Real Property Tax Awareness Symposium for Parent Teachers Association (PTA) Officials
DivMemo No.369 s.2022 Creation of New DEPED Verifier Email Account for Secondary Insular PLI Loan Applications
DivMemo No.369 s.2022 Creation of New DEPED Verifier Email Account for Secondary Insular PLI Loan Applications
DivMemo No.368 s.2022 Orientation on DEPED Basic Counselling and Referral System cum Basic Counselling Skills for Mental Health
DivMemo No.368 s.2022 Orientation on DEPED Basic Counselling and Referral System cum Basic Counselling Skills for Mental Health
DivMemo No.367 s.2022 Division Learning Action Cell (LAC) Orientation cum Midyear Implementation Review
DivMemo No.367 s.2022 Division Learning Action Cell (LAC) Orientation cum Midyear Implementation Review
DivMemo No.366 s.2022 Addendum to Division Memorandum OCID No.350, s.2022 SY 2021-2022 School Forms Reports of Elementary and Secondary Schools Level and Division Level Checking
DivMemo No.366 s.2022 Addendum to Division Memorandum OCID No.350, s.2022 SY 2021-2022 School Forms Reports of Elementary and Secondary Schools Level and Division Level Checking
DivMemo No.365 s.2022 Municipal Research Coordinators Capability Building and Planning for 2022 Division Research Congress
DivMemo No.365 s.2022 Municipal Research Coordinators Capability Building and Planning for 2022 Division Research Congress
DivMemo No.364 s.2022 Chess Coaches and Technical Officials’ Organizational Meeting
DivMemo No.364 s.2022 Chess Coaches and Technical Officials’ Organizational Meeting
DivMemo No.363 s.2022 Batch 18 Implementors of the Expansion Phase of the Progressive Face-to-Face Classes
DivMemo No.363 s.2022 Batch 18 Implementors of the Expansion Phase of the Progressive Face-to-Face Classes
DivMemo No.362 s.2022 Midyear Updating of Health and Nutrition Personnel on the Implementation of Health and Nutrition Programs in the New Normal
DivMemo No.362 s.2022 Midyear Updating of Health and Nutrition Personnel on the Implementation of Health and Nutrition Programs in the New Normal
DivMemo No.361 s.2022 Capability Building on Organizational Management & Instructural Supervision for Private School Administrators
DivMemo No.361 s.2022 Capability Building on Organizational Management & Instructural Supervision for Private School Administrators
DivMemo No.360 s.2022 2-Day Essential Values Seminar-Workshop for Teacher-Officers of Division Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) Federation
DivMemo No.360 s.2022 2-Day Essential Values Seminar-Workshop for Teacher-Officers of Division Edukasyon sa Pagpapakatao (ESP) Federation
DivMemo No.359 s.2022 Division Technical Assistance on the Establishment of Cultural Heritage Learning Center (CHLC) in Schools Implementing IPED Program
DivMemo No.359 s.2022 Division Technical Assistance on the Establishment of Cultural Heritage Learning Center (CHLC) in Schools Implementing IPED Program
DivMemo No.358 s.2022 Addendum to Division Memorandum No.322 s.2022 Conduct of Capability Building for Administrative Officers Assigned in the Schools
DivMemo No.358 s.2022 Addendum to Division Memorandum No.322 s.2022 Conduct of Capability Building for Administrative Officers Assigned in the Schools
DivMemo No.357 s.2022 Establishment of Cultural Heritage Learning Center (CHLC) in Schools Implementing IPED Program
DivMemo No.357 s.2022 Establishment of Cultural Heritage Learning Center (CHLC) in Schools Implementing IPED Program
DivMemo No.356 s.2022 Accelerating Learning of Grades 4 and 7 Learners in Need of Remediation Through Development of Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets for Quarters 1 and 2
DivMemo No.356 s.2022 Accelerating Learning of Grades 4 and 7 Learners in Need of Remediation Through Development of Contextualized Learning Activity Sheets for Quarters 1 and 2
DivMemo No.355 s.2022 Provision of School-Based Feeding Program-Nutritious Food Products (NFP) and Commercial Powdered Milk FY 2022
DivMemo No.355 s.2022 Provision of School-Based Feeding Program-Nutritious Food Products (NFP) and Commercial Powdered Milk FY 2022
DivMemo No.354 s.2022 Conduct of Interview of Applicants By The Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB)
DivMemo No.354 s.2022 Conduct of Interview of Applicants By The Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB)
DivMemo No.353 s.2022 Addendum to Division Memorandum No.342, s.2022, 2022 Cotabato Division Pupil Leader’s Development Program (PLDP) and Training of Trainers for SPG Teacher-Advisers
DivMemo No.353 s.2022 Addendum to Division Memorandum No.342, s.2022, 2022 Cotabato Division Pupil Leader’s Development Program (PLDP) and Training of Trainers for SPG Teacher-Advisers
DivMemo No.352 s.2022 Finalization of Assessment Materials for Exit Grades
DivMemo No.352 s.2022 Finalization of Assessment Materials for Exit Grades
DivMemo No.351 s.2022 Reconstitution of Division Inspectorate Team
DivMemo No.351 s.2022 Reconstitution of Division Inspectorate Team
DivMemo No.350 s.2022 SY 2021-2022 School Forms Reports of Elementary and Secondary Schools for School Level and Division Level Checking
DivMemo No.350 s.2022 SY 2021-2022 School Forms Reports of Elementary and Secondary Schools for School Level and Division Level Checking
DivMemo No.349 s.2022 Distribution of Safety Kits to Learners and Personnel of Apo Tula Lawitan ES, Kisupaan HS and Lebpas ES
DivMemo No.349 s.2022 Distribution of Safety Kits to Learners and Personnel of Apo Tula Lawitan ES, Kisupaan HS and Lebpas ES
DivMemo No.348 s.2022 2nd Quarter Convergence Meeting of District and Cluster DRRM Coordinators
DivMemo No.348 s.2022 2nd Quarter Convergence Meeting of District and Cluster DRRM Coordinators
DivMemo No.347 s.2022 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum OCID No.316, s.2022 Re Administration of Division Assessment for the Exit Grades (Grades 3,6,10 and 12) for the School Year 2021-2022
DivMemo No.347 s.2022 Corrigendum to Division Memorandum OCID No.316, s.2022 Re Administration of Division Assessment for the Exit Grades (Grades 3,6,10 and 12) for the School Year 2021-2022
DivMemo No.346 s.2022 Submission of the Accomplishment Report and Results of the Career Guidance Advocacy Program (CGAP) Conducted for Grade 10 Learners SY 2021-2022
DivMemo No.346 s.2022 Submission of the Accomplishment Report and Results of the Career Guidance Advocacy Program (CGAP) Conducted for Grade 10 Learners SY 2021-2022
DivMemo No.345 s.2022 Orientation for the Conduct of Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA) in Grade 3 Learners and National Achievement Test (NAT) in Grade 6 Learners for Selected Schools
DivMemo No.345 s.2022 Orientation for the Conduct of Early Language Literacy and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA) in Grade 3 Learners and National Achievement Test (NAT) in Grade 6 Learners for Selected Schools
DivMemo No.343 s.2022 Conduct of Interview of Applicants by the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB)
DivMemo No.343 s.2022 Conduct of Interview of Applicants by the Human Resource Merit Promotion and Selection Board (HRMPSB)
DivMemo No.342 s.2022 2022 Cotabato Division Pupil Leader’s Development Program (PLDP) and Training of Trainers for SPG Teacher-Advisers
DivMemo No.342 s.2022 2022 Cotabato Division Pupil Leader’s Development Program (PLDP) and Training of Trainers for SPG Teacher-Advisers
DivMemo No.341 s.2022 School-Based Immunization for Covid-19 Vaccination
DivMemo No.341 s.2022 School-Based Immunization for Covid-19 Vaccination
DivMemo No.340 s.2022 Observance of Dengue Awareness Month
DivMemo No.340 s.2022 Observance of Dengue Awareness Month
DivMemo No.339 s.2022 Empowering Leadership Skills A Capacity Building for School Health and Nutrition Personnel
DivMemo No.339 s.2022 Empowering Leadership Skills A Capacity Building for School Health and Nutrition Personnel
DivMemo No.338 s.2022 Unprocessed Retirement and Separation Applications
DivMemo No.338 s.2022 Unprocessed Retirement and Separation Applications
DivMemo No.337 s.2022 Student Leadership Development Program (SLDP) 2022
DivMemo No.337 s.2022 Student Leadership Development Program (SLDP) 2022
DivMemo No.336 s.2022 Standardization of School Gates
DivMemo No.336 s.2022 Standardization of School Gates
DivMemo No.335 s.2022 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.335 s.2022 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.334 s.2022 Children’s Congress 2022 and World Day Against Child Labor Virtual Event
DivMemo No.334 s.2022 Children’s Congress 2022 and World Day Against Child Labor Virtual Event
DivMemo No.333 s.2022 Orientation of Proctors and District Supervisors of the Identified Schools on the Administration of Division Assessment for the Exit Grades, School Year 2021-2022
DivMemo No.333 s.2022 Orientation of Proctors and District Supervisors of the Identified Schools on the Administration of Division Assessment for the Exit Grades, School Year 2021-2022
DivMemo No.332 s.2022 Save the Children Philippines Meeting to Identified Program Holders
DivMemo No.332 s.2022 Save the Children Philippines Meeting to Identified Program Holders
DivMemo No.331 s.2022 Submission of Monthly Accomplishment Report, Certificates of Appearance as Attachments to the Daily Time Records (DTRs)
DivMemo No.331 s.2022 Submission of Monthly Accomplishment Report, Certificates of Appearance as Attachments to the Daily Time Records (DTRs)
DivMemo No.330 s.2022 Request for Municipal Special Education Fund Reports
DivMemo No.330 s.2022 Request for Municipal Special Education Fund Reports
DivMemo No.329 s.2022 Enhancement Training for Head Teachers and Teachers-in-Charge (1)
DivMemo No.329 s.2022 Enhancement Training for Head Teachers and Teachers-in-Charge (1)
DivMemo No.328 s.2022 Conduct of 2nd Quarter Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Plan Adjustment (DMEPA)
DivMemo No.328 s.2022 Conduct of 2nd Quarter Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Plan Adjustment (DMEPA)