DivMemo No.333 s.2020 Data Gathering for Improvement Towards Quality
DivMemo No.332 s.2020 Commencement of Recording-Shooting of Audio and Video Lessons for Radio and Television-Based Instruction
DivMemo No.332 s.2020 Commencement of Recording-Shooting of Audio and Video Lessons for Radio and Television-Based Instruction
DivMemo No.331 s.2020 Execution of Memorandum of Agreement Between the School Head and Barangay Chairman on the Distribution of Modules
DivMemo No.331 s.2020 Execution of Memorandum of Agreement Between the School Head and Barangay Chairman on the Distribution of Modules
DivMemo No.330 s.2020 Addendum to DivMemo No.325 s.2020 Re-Production of Quality Assured Audio and Video Lessons for Radio and Television-Based Instruction of SDO Cotabato
DivMemo No.330 s.2020 Addendum to DivMemo No.325 s.2020 Re-Production of Quality Assured Audio and Video Lessons for Radio and Television-Based Instruction of SDO Cotabato
DivMemo No.329 s.2020 Division Webinar on the Philippine Professional Standards for School Head (PPSSH) and Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors (PPSS)
DivMemo No.329 s.2020 Division Webinar on the Philippine Professional Standards for School Head (PPSSH) and Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors (PPSS)
DivMemo No.328 s.2020 Deped Soccsksargen Regional Office and Schools Division Office of Cotabato Interface
DivMemo No.328 s.2020 Deped Soccsksargen Regional Office and Schools Division Office of Cotabato Interface
DivMemo No.327 s.2020 3rd Quarter Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Plan Adjustment (DMEPA)
DivMemo No.327 s.2020 3rd Quarter Division Monitoring, Evaluation and Plan Adjustment (DMEPA)
DivMemo No.326 s.2020 Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 324 s.2020 (Distribution of Modules, Textbooks and Other Learning Materials before the Opening of Classes)
DivMemo No.326 s.2020 Addendum to Division Memorandum No. 324 s.2020 (Distribution of Modules, Textbooks and Other Learning Materials before the Opening of Classes)
DivMemo No.325 s.2020 Production of Quality-Assured Audio and Video Lessons for Radio and Television-Based Instruction (RBI-TBI) of the Schools Division of Cotabato
DivMemo No.325 s.2020 Production of Quality-Assured Audio and Video Lessons for Radio and Television-Based Instruction (RBI-TBI) of the Schools Division of Cotabato
DivMemo No.324 s.2020 Distribution of Modules, Textbooks and other Learning Materials before the Opening of Classes
DivMemo No.324 s.2020 Distribution of Modules, Textbooks and other Learning Materials before the Opening of Classes
DivMemo No.323 s.2020 Procurement of Learning Resource Materials
DivMemo No.323 s.2020 Procurement of Learning Resource Materials
DivMemo No.322 s.2020 Submission of the List of Pupils-Students for those schools with Pupils-Students who chose online Teaching-Learning (OTL) as their Modality of Learning this Opening of Classes
DivMemo No.322 s.2020 Submission of the List of Pupils-Students for those schools with Pupils-Students who chose online Teaching-Learning (OTL) as their Modality of Learning this Opening of Classes
DivMemo No.321 s.2020 Guidelines In Handling Learning Modules (Management of the Delivery and Distribution of Self-Learning Modules, And Learning Materials and Retrieval of Outputs)
DivMemo No.321 s.2020 Guidelines In Handling Learning Modules (Management of the Delivery and Distribution of Self-Learning Modules, And Learning Materials and Retrieval of Outputs)
DivMemo No.319 s.2020 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.319 s.2020 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.318 s.2020 3rd Quarter Division Monitoring Evaluation and Plan Adjustment (DMEPA)
DivMemo No.318 s.2020 3rd Quarter Division Monitoring Evaluation and Plan Adjustment (DMEPA)
DivMemo No.317 s.2020 Webinar on the Adoption of the Basic Education Research Agenda Cum Virtual Organization of Cluster-District Research Team
DivMemo No.317 s.2020 Webinar on the Adoption of the Basic Education Research Agenda Cum Virtual Organization of Cluster-District Research Team
DivMemo No.316 s.2020 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.316 s.2020 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.315 s.2020 Rapid School Readiness Assessment
DivMemo No.315 s.2020 Rapid School Readiness Assessment
DivMemo No.314 s.2020 Reporting Donated IT Equipment
DivMemo No.314 s.2020 Reporting Donated IT Equipment
DivMemo No.312 s.2020 Submission of Report on SHS Teachers with Trainers Methodology Certificate. Assessor’s Certificate and Academic Performance Level of SHS Grade 12 for the Last 3 School Years
DivMemo No.312 s.2020 Submission of Report on SHS Teachers with Trainers Methodology Certificate. Assessor’s Certificate and Academic Performance Level of SHS Grade 12 for the Last 3 School Years
DivMemo No.310 s.2020 Submission of Pertinent Documents for Establishment of Extension Classes and Separation of School Annexes
DivMemo No.310 s.2020 Submission of Pertinent Documents for Establishment of Extension Classes and Separation of School Annexes
DivMemo No.309 s.2020 Reiteration to Subscribe to the DEPED TAYO COTABATO Facebook Page of the Schools Division Office of Cotabato
DivMemo No.309 s.2020 Reiteration to Subscribe to the DEPED TAYO COTABATO Facebook Page of the Schools Division Office of Cotabato
DivMemo No.308 s.2020 Technical Team to Assist Brex Brayan Nicolas in the Production-Shooting of Video Lessons for Media and Information Literacy Subject
DivMemo No.308 s.2020 Technical Team to Assist Brex Brayan Nicolas in the Production-Shooting of Video Lessons for Media and Information Literacy Subject
DivMemo No.307 s.2020 Clarification on the Implementation of the Alternative Work Arrangement for Teachers and Non-Teaching Personnel amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in the Schools Division Office of Cotabato
DivMemo No.307 s.2020 Clarification on the Implementation of the Alternative Work Arrangement for Teachers and Non-Teaching Personnel amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in the Schools Division Office of Cotabato
DivMemo No.305 s.2020 Implementation of the ‘Zero Contact Policy’ amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in the Schools Division Office of Cotabato
DivMemo No.305 s.2020 Implementation of the ‘Zero Contact Policy’ amidst Covid-19 Pandemic in the Schools Division Office of Cotabato
DivMemo No.300 s.2020 Reinforcing The Implementation of the Policy on Alternative Work Force Arrangement amidst COVID-19 Pandemic in the Schools Division Office of Cotabato
DivMemo No.300 s.2020 Reinforcing The Implementation of the Policy on Alternative Work Force Arrangement amidst COVID-19 Pandemic in the Schools Division Office of Cotabato
DivMemo No.298 s.2020 Orientation of Designated District and Cluster ICT Coordinators for Data Management and Information System
DivMemo No.298 s.2020 Orientation of Designated District and Cluster ICT Coordinators for Data Management and Information System
DivMemo No.297 s.2020 Composition of Division Selection Committee for Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd)
DivMemo No.297 s.2020 Composition of Division Selection Committee for Indigenous Peoples Education (IPEd)
DivMemo No.295 s.2020 Corrigendum to Div.Memo #291 Re: Review and Evaluation of Video Lessons for Mathematics Grades 3 to 10
DivMemo No.295 s.2020 Corrigendum to Div.Memo #291 Re: Review and Evaluation of Video Lessons for Mathematics Grades 3 to 10
DivMemo No.293 s.2020 Consultative Meeting on the transition of Schools from the Sixty-Three Barangays of Cotabato Province to BARMM
DivMemo No.293 s.2020 Consultative Meeting on the transition of Schools from the Sixty-Three Barangays of Cotabato Province to BARMM
DivMemo No.292 s2020 Number of Self-Learning Modules Available and Reproduced for First Quarter SY 2020-2021
DivMemo No.292 s2020 Number of Self-Learning Modules Available and Reproduced for First Quarter SY 2020-2021
DivMemo No.291 s.2020 Review and Evaluation of Video Lessons for Mathematics Grades 3 to 10
DivMemo No.291 s.2020 Review and Evaluation of Video Lessons for Mathematics Grades 3 to 10
DivMemo No.288 s.2020 Division Webinar on Radio-Based Instruction for Kindergarten Teachers
DivMemo No.288 s.2020 Division Webinar on Radio-Based Instruction for Kindergarten Teachers
DivMemo No.287 s.2020 Additional Participants to the Capacity Building for Selected Teacher-Broadcasters, Scriptwriters, Content and Video Editors
DivMemo No.287 s.2020 Additional Participants to the Capacity Building for Selected Teacher-Broadcasters, Scriptwriters, Content and Video Editors
DivMemo No.283 s.2020 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.283 s.2020 Appointment Signing
DivMemo No.282 s.2020 Addendum/Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 280, s. 2020
DivMemo No.282 s.2020 Addendum/Corrigendum to Division Memorandum No. 280, s. 2020
DivMemo No.280 s.2020 Capacity-Building for Selected Teacher-Broadcasters, Scriptwriters, Content and Video Editors
DivMemo No.280 s.2020 Capacity-Building for Selected Teacher-Broadcasters, Scriptwriters, Content and Video Editors
DivMemo No.278 s.2020 Appointment Signing (August 10, 2020)
DivMemo No.278 s.2020 Appointment Signing (August 10, 2020)
DivMemo No.277 s.2020 Appointment Signing (August 7, 2020)
DivMemo No.277 s.2020 Appointment Signing (August 7, 2020)
DivMemo No.274 s.2020 Report on the Migration of Learners (from Private Schools to Public Schools and Vice-Versa)
DivMemo No.274 s.2020 Report on the Migration of Learners (from Private Schools to Public Schools and Vice-Versa)
DivMemo No.273 s.2020 Orientation of Identified DepEd Personnel for the Implementation of Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) and Television – Based Broadcasting Instruction (TVBI) for Learners
DivMemo No.273 s.2020 Orientation of Identified DepEd Personnel for the Implementation of Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) and Television – Based Broadcasting Instruction (TVBI) for Learners
DivMemo No.272 s.2020 Reproduction, System of Distribution and Retrieval of Self-Learning Modules (SLMs), Modular Learning Facilitation and Monitoring of Learner Progress
DivMemo No.272 s.2020 Reproduction, System of Distribution and Retrieval of Self-Learning Modules (SLMs), Modular Learning Facilitation and Monitoring of Learner Progress
DivMemo No.271 s.2020 Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services
DivMemo No.271 s.2020 Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Services
DivMemo No.270-b s.2020 Releasing of Duly Attested Appointment
DivMemo No.270-b s.2020 Releasing of Duly Attested Appointment
DivMemo No.270-a s.2020 Finalization of Modified e-Impact Implementation Guidelines
DivMemo No.270-a s.2020 Finalization of Modified e-Impact Implementation Guidelines
DivMemo No.268 s.2020 Division Level Dry-Run for Online Learning delivery Modality
DivMemo No.268 s.2020 Division Level Dry-Run for Online Learning delivery Modality
DivMemo No.267 s.2020 Appointment Signing (August 3, 2020)
DivMemo No.267 s.2020 Appointment Signing (August 3, 2020)
DivMemo No.266 s.2020 Region-Wide Pilot Test on the Combination of Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) and Modular Distance Learning (MDL)
DivMemo No.266 s.2020 Region-Wide Pilot Test on the Combination of Radio-Based Instruction (RBI) and Modular Distance Learning (MDL)
DivMemo No.261 s.2020 Area Assignment of Dentists for Delivery of Dental Services
DivMemo No.261 s.2020 Area Assignment of Dentists for Delivery of Dental Services
DivMemo No.258 s.2020 Division Training of Trainers (TOT) on Enhanced Instructional Management by Parents, Community and Teachers (e-IMPACT) as an Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) of Education
DivMemo No.258 s.2020 Division Training of Trainers (TOT) on Enhanced Instructional Management by Parents, Community and Teachers (e-IMPACT) as an Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) of Education